Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Review: Game Presentations

When giving our game presentation I actually looked at the faces of the people in class as we showed them our concept. I did this mainly because then where in front of me but also because I wanted to gage their reaction to see if we had done a good job. Their expressions remained interested and fixed on either the screen or us. This told me that they at least understood the goals and objectives of the game. I think large portion of the credit goes to our use of audio, visual, and referential aids. We included the actual audio soundscape in our presentation along with images of our characters. Then also during the presentation we constantly referred to other games that audience my have played before.

However I do believe we could have supported the reality of the game but possibly being more specific in defining the games rules and mechanics. I think that possible a more structured game would help the viewer understand exact what the game is trying to get across as oppose to simply stating that he player would have free roam. I think it is important for the audience to truly understand you game mechanics and rules because ultimately that is the player interface when playing, it tells then what they can and cannot do, and how to do it.

I think it is more difficult to explain mechanics and rules. I think this is because it hard to create a world already. Then within that world creating rules and ways you have to follows to go through that world, things you can do and things you cant. Mechanics and rule ultimately determined what your goals and objects can be, because they cannot deviate from the mechanics in order to be accomplished.

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